The Ashtakavarga system is based on the relative positions of the planets. The benefic or malefic places are determined with respect to the other planets. Therefore, this system can be applied to find the true strength of each and every planet for all the twelve houses. This helps in arriving at precise results for a chart.

The Ashtakavarga method of prediction had once been quite popular with the ‘rank and file’ of Hindu Astrology. However, the method was so indiscriminately employed that its practical utility was often lost sight of. The main reason for this was that the method used for casting the Ashtakavarga of the planets manually was too cumbersome, complicated and time consuming requiring much concentration and focus. The manual calculation of ashtakvarga and finding the true strength of all planets for the entire twelve houses took minimum three days, and even after doing this entire marathon exercise, astrologers never got a reasonable price for their efforts. It is for this reason; most astrologers avoided using this system. Due to all these factors, the trend, the knowledge and utility of this system remained hidden behind an iron curtain. With lapse of time unknowingly, this system was used only to find the longevity of a person and that too in a very improper manner. As of today, no scientific write up of this system is available in any book. Hence every astrologer tries to employ short cut methods.

This system very reliable and highly useful in making predictions. There is no doubt of this system requiring a thorough knowledge of the various principles and rules of Vedic astrology alongwith basic calculations, as well as the necessary skills to intrepret planetary strengths and combinations using logic. Here logic gives magic.